Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Christmas Cheer

The boys' favorite Christmas gift, by far. Balloons have been whizzing through our house since Saturday.

Seashore goodness.

Gifts from my boys.

Stocking stuffers for me.

Stocking stuffers for my boys.

Santa was so very good to us this year. He stacked piles of presents beneath the tree and filled our stockings to overflowing. We spent the day eating and playing and lounging and having way too much candy. We listened to Christmas carols, watched A Christmas Story and went outside to play in real, genuine Christmas snow.
A truly magical day.


  1. it sounds like you are having good time!
    I can imagine Pampol going crazy with your children playing with the balloon powered vehicle!! Hahah!!

    Happy New Year for all your family!
