Monday, April 25, 2011

A Windy Day

The weekend before last we had the windiest day. We dusted off our kite and headed straight for the park. Unfortunately the wind was too much for our little discount kite.

(The one in the photo belonged to someone else. I shamelessly stole the photo opportunity.)

So, we spent our time playing soccer followed by a game of freeze tag on the playground.

All in all, a fine day!

Friday, April 22, 2011

Reading Silhouettes

There are few things better than a good book and these two silhouettes prove it.

I've just added this lovely pair to my shop.

Thursday, April 21, 2011


H and I spent some time scribbling with chalk pastels.

We made a mess but the results were well worth it.

I just love how children draw. It's so perfect and effortless and full of joy.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

And The Winner Is...

The winner of the blog Giveaway is...

Simply email me your address and which necklace you would like and I will send it on it's way!

Thank you so much to everyone who left a comment!

I'll be doing more giveaways soon!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

More Necklaces and A Giveaway!!!

I've added three more necklaces to my shop, bringing the total number of designs to 14!!

To celebrate, I'm offering a Giveaway!!

Simply leave a comment on this post between now and Monday at midnight.

I will choose a winner at random and the winner will receive a free necklace of their choice!!

I hope to hear from you!!

More Pretty Necklaces!

More pretty jewels from my shop!

The last two are from a series of personalized monogram alphabet necklaces. You can see more of the letters here and here.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Paper Snow

My littlest one wanted to make paper snowflakes. Even though we've had more than enough snow around here, I said yes.

They turned out quite lovely.

We hung them by strings over the doorways. Now, when we have the windows open, they blow around in the spring breeze.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Grand Opening

January 1st was the grand reopening of the Columbus Museum of Art. It was shut down for renovations and we were so glad to see it open again.

The whole place was filled with beautiful art, wonderful interactive displays and fun activities.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Dread Pirate

So you may have noticed by now that nautical stuff is pretty popular around our house.

Dread Pirate is one of our new favorite games.

It has a tiny little jolly roger flag, gemstones and gold coins.

Once you become Dread Pirate you get to raid the gold on Dread Island.

What's not to love?

Saturday, April 2, 2011


This past Christmas gave us lots of new board games including one of our new favorites-Broadside.

It's a sort of naval chess.

I just love all the little ships and sails.

O loves all the strategies and planning.

He beats me every time.