Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Reading Time For Rabbits

It's reading time for these three studious bunnies. Don't they look cute with their little noses in their books?
They have hopped on over into my shop.
You can find them here.

Monday, August 30, 2010

New Small Prints

My two paint by numbers prints are now available in a smaller size.
Each one measures 8 x 10 with a thin white border for easy framing.
You can find them both right here.

Friday, August 27, 2010

The Young Captain

This young lad has just sailed into my shop.
You can find him here.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Le Gnu

This dashing gentlman has just made his entrance into my Masked Ball silhouette series.
You can find him right here in my shop.

Friday, August 20, 2010

The Ohio State Fair Part 3

The sideshow.

Two prize goldfish: Silver and Sweety.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

The Ohio State Fair Part 2

The food.
The livestock.

The famous Butter Cows sculpted entirely from real butter.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Making Waves

There is a marvelous shop on Etsy called Cartoon Monster.
It is filled with handmade wooden automata.
They are like little boxes of magic.
You can see how they work right here.

Monday, August 16, 2010

I Got Mine

I was lucky enough to get to go and see my favorite band, The Black Keys, in concert on Friday.
The show was AMAZING!!!
We had the absolute best time.
I did a little digging on YouTube and found a clip from the show that someone recorded.
You can see it right here.

Friday, August 13, 2010

Right In The Kisser

All my life I have been allergic to any kind of lip make-up. I've never been able to wear lipstick, lipliner, lip gloss or even chapstick.
But the other day on Etsy I noticed some natural lip gloss made by Just Pure Minerals. It's made with all natural ingredients so I decided to give it a try.
It is amazing!
Not only did I not have any allergic reactions, the lip gloss is wonderful.
It's rich and shiny and a touch of mint makes it cool and fresh.
I can't reccomend it highly enough and I can't wait to try more!

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Wishing On A Star

The time has come for the Perseid meteor shower. It peaks tonight between midnight and 4:30 am. Rough timing but it's worth it. I only hope that the sky is clear. Right now the forcast calls for scattered thunderstorms. I'm keeping my fingers crossed because I have a lot of wishes to make this year.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

The King

Our local library has a summer concert series.
We went to see Sons of Gladys, an Elvis cover band.
We also saw the Beatles cover band British Invasion but I forgot my camera.
Oh, well.

Monday, August 9, 2010

Birthday Boy

Last week, my oldest son turned 9.
We celebrated with a trip to the zoo where they had, not only animals, but lots of carnival rides.

The teacups.
The swings.
The flying elephant ride.

Bumper cars!

And more bumper cars!

Birthday cake.

A night walk wearing glow in the dark bracelets.
There were also whoopie cushions, silly glasses, candy, cupcakes and a chance to pet some wild animals.
One of the best parts of the day was getting to pet a baby coati which snuffled around my feet and tried to eat my shoelaces.
According to O, it was the best birthday he'd ever had.
Mission accomplished!

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Tuesday, August 3, 2010


The unbelievable, otherwordly art of Eugenio Recuenco.
Please click on the images to see them in much better detail.